Stamps inscribed 'Burundi', 'Royaume du Burundi' or 'République du Burundi'
<- 1962 See Ruanda-Urundi
1962 ->
1 Franc (BIF) = 100 centimes
Checklists > Countries > Burundi Wild Cats Also see Burundi Domestic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction.
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1 July 1962 - Flora and Fauna BI19620701 ST 20_00 1 Stamp 20.00 Leopard
Stamp of Ruanda-Urundi overprinted with new country name
MI 23BI19620701 ST 50_00 1 Stamp 50.00 Lions
Stamp of Ruanda-Urundi overprinted with new country name
2 mm black bar
MI 24IBI19620701 ST 50_00 2 Stamp 50.00 Lions
Stamp of Ruanda-Urundi overprinted with new country name
3.5 mm black bar
MI 24II20 March 1964 - Animals BI19640320 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00 Cheetah
MI 99ABI19640320 ST 100_00 Stamp 100.00 Lion
MI 101ABI19640320 IMP 20_00 Imperforate stamp 20.00 Cheetah
MI 99BBI19640320 IMP 100_00 Imperforate stamp 100.00 Lion
MI 101B9 August 1965 - 3rd Anniversary of Independence I This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19650809 ST 2_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 2.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 175BI19650809 ST 4_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 4.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 176This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19650809 ST 6_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 6.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 177BI19650809 ST 8_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 8.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 178This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19650809 ST 12_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 12.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 179BI19650809 ST 15_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 15.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 180This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19650809 ST 25_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 25.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 181BI19650809 ST 40_00__0_50 Semi-postal stamp 40.00
+ 0.50Cheetah
Self-adhesive, gold-embossed, round stamp
MI 18219 November 1965 - 3rd Anniversary of Independence II (Air Mail Stamps) This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19651119 ST 3_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 3.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 203BI19651119 ST 5_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 5.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 204This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19651119 ST 11_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 11.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 205BI19651119 ST 14_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 14.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 206This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19651119 ST 20_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 20.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 207BI19651119 ST 30_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 30.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 208This stamp also shows a Heraldic Lion
BI19651119 ST 50_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 50.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 209BI19651119 ST 100_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 100.00
+ 1.00Cheetah
Gold-embossed, round stamp
Valid until
19 February 1966
MI 21014 July 1967 - 50th Anniversary of Lions International (overprints on Churchill issue) BI19670714 ST 4_00__1_00 Semi-postal stamp 4.00
+ 1.00Lions Club Emblem
MI 345ABI19670714 ST 15_00__2_00 Semi-postal stamp 15.00
+ 2.00Lions Club Emblem
MI 346ABI19670714 ST 20_00__3_00 Semi-postal stamp 20.00
+ 3.00Lions Club Emblem
MI 347AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19670714 IMP 4_00__1_00 Semi-postal imperforate stamp 4.00
+ 1.00Lions Club Emblem
MI 345BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19670714 IMP 15_00__2_00 Semi-postal imperforate stamp 15.00
+ 2.00Lions Club Emblem
MI 346BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19670714 IMP 20_00__3_00 Semi-postal imperforate stamp 20.00
+ 3.00Lions Club Emblem
MI 347BBI19670714 MS 50_00__5_00 Miniature Sheet 50.00
+ 5.00Lions Club Emblem (on selvedge)
Diamond-shaped single-stamp MS
MI B22AM BI19670714 IMS 50_00__5_00 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 50.00
+ 5.00Lions Club Emblem (on selvedge)
Diamond-shaped single-stamp Imperforate MS
MI B22BM 19 March 1971 - African Fauna I BI19710319 ST 1 1 Stamp 1 Lion
MI 702IBI19710319 ST 1 5 Stamp 1 Lion
Design as
BI19710319 ST 1 1
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI 702IIIPM BI19710319 ST 2 4 Stamp 2 Leopard
MI 709IBI19710319 ST 2 8 Stamp 2 Leopard
Design as
BI19710319 ST 2 7
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI 709IIBI19710319 ST 3 2 Stamp 3 Cheetah
MI 711IILM If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 ST 3 6 Stamp 3 Cheetah
Design as
BI19710319 ST 3 3
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI 711IIIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 ST 11 2 Stamp 11 Caracal
MI 723IBI19710319 ST 11 6 Stamp 11 Caracal
Design as
BI19710319 ST 11 3
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI 723IIIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 1 1 Imperforate stamp 1 Lion
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 1 5 Imperforate stamp 1 Lion
Design as
BI19710319 IMP 1 1
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 2 4 Imperforate stamp 2 Leopard
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 2 8 Imperforate stamp 2 Leopard
Design as
BI19710319 IMP 2 4
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 3 2 Imperforate stamp 3 Cheetah
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 3 6 Imperforate stamp 3 Cheetah
Design as
BI19710319 IMP 3 2
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 11 2 Imperforate stamp 11 Caracal
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710319 IMP 11 6 Imperforate stamp 11 Caracal
Design as
BI19710319 IMP 11 2
but with golden line beneath country name (re-print)
MI Unlisted30 April 1971 - African Fauna II BI19710430 ST 10 1 Stamp 10 Lion
MI 726BI19710430 ST 14 4 Stamp 14 Leopard
MI 733BI19710430 ST 17 2 Stamp 17 Cheetah
MI 735BI19710430 IMP 10 1 Imperforate stamp 10 Lion
MI UnlistedBI19710430 IMP 14 4 Imperforate stamp 14 Leopard
MI UnlistedBI19710430 IMP 17 2 Imperforate stamp 17 Cheetah
MI Unlisted14 June 1971 - African Fauna IV BI19710614 ST 31 2 Stamp 31 Caracal
MI 747BI19710614 IMP 31 2 Imperforate stamp 31 Caracal
MI Unlisted20 July 1971 - International Year against Racial Discrimination BI19710720 ST 10 1 Stamp 10 Lion
BI19710430 ST 10 1
overprinted "Lutte contre le racisme et la discrimination raciale" ("Fight against racism and racial discrimination")
MI 7629 August 1971 - UNESCO Campaign against Illiteracy If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19710809 ST 14__2 4 Semi-postal stamp 14
+ 2Leopard
BI19710430 ST 14 4
overprinted UNESCO Emblem and "Lutte contre l'analphabetisme" ("Fight against illiteracy")
MI 7699 August 1971 - International Aide to Refugees If you have a scan of this item, please share. BU19710809 ST 17__1 2 Semi-postal stamp 17
+ 1Cheetah
BI19710430 ST 17 2
overprinted UNHCR Emblem and "Aide International aux Refugies" ("International Refugee Aid")
MI 77116 August 1971 - Pre-Olympic Games in Munich BI19710816 ST 31__1 2 Semi-postal stamp 31
+ 1Caracal
BI19710614 IMP 31 2
overprinted with Olympic rings and "Jeux pre-Olympiques Munich 1972" ("Olympic Trials in Munich 1972")
MI 779BI19710816 IMP 31__1 2 Semi-postal imperforate stamp 31
+ 1Caracal
BI19710614 IMP 31 2
overprinted with Olympic rings and "Jeux pre-Olympiques Munich 1972" ("Olympic Trials in Munich 1972")
MI Unlisted1973 Aerogramme BI19730000 AEG 13 Aerogramme 13 Lion (in stamp indicium)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know27 July 1973 - 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Copernicus BI19730727 ST 3 4 Stamp 3 Leo (Zodiac Lion)
Stamp from a block of four se-tenant stamps forming a circle of all 12 zodiac signs
MI 934AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19730727 IMP 3 4 Imperforate stamp 3 Leo (Zodiac Lion)
Stamp from a block of four se-tenant stamps forming a circle of all 12 zodiac signs
MI 934B31 July 1975 - African Animals I BI19750731 ST 11 4 Stamp 11 Serval
MI 1172ILM 31 July 1975 - African Animals II If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19750917 ST 31 4 Stamp 31 Serval
MI 119619 November 1975 - 30th Anniversary of the United Nations BI19751119 ST 31 4 Stamp 31 Serval
BI19750917 ST 31 4
MI 121225 November 1977 - 15th Anniversary of Independence These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI19771125 ST 11 Stamp 11 Leopard
Leopard Skin Costumes
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
MI 1453ABI19771125 IMP 11 Imperforate stamp 11 Leopard
Leopard Skin Costumes
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
MI 1453B11 August 1982 - Animals BI19820811 ST 2 Stamp 2 Lion
MI 1583ILM BI19820811 ST 70 Stamp 70 Cheetah
MI 159322 April 1983 - WWF BI19830422 ST 2 Stamp 2 Lion
BI19820811 ST 2
overprinted with silver WWF Emblem
MI 1596BI19830422 ST 70 Stamp 70 Cheetah
BI19820811 ST 70
overprinted with silver WWF Emblem
MI 16064 October 1991 - Animals BI19911004 ST 20 1 Stamp 20 Lion
Stamp from sheets
Perf. 14.00
MI 1722AILM If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19911004 ST 20 2 Stamp 20 Lion
Stamp from MS
Perf. 13.25
MI 1722CBI19911004 IMP 20 Imperforate stamp 20 Lion
MI 1722BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI19911004 MS 195 Miniature Sheet 195 Lion (on one stamp and selvedge)
6-stamp MS with
BI19911004 ST 20 2
and 5 other stamps
MI B129CBI19911004 IMS 195 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 195 Lion (on one stamp and selvedge)
6-stamp MS with
BI19911004 ST 20 2
and 5 other stamps
MI B129B16 October 1992 - WWF: Serval BI19921016 ST 30 Stamp 30 Serval
MI 1758BI19921016 ST 130 Stamp 130 Serval
MI 1759BI19921016 ST 200 Stamp 200 Serval
MI 1760BI19921016 ST 220 Stamp 220 Serval
MI 1761BI19921016 FDC 30 First Day Cover 30 Serval (on stamp and cachet)
WWFCC BI19921016 FDC 130 First Day Cover 130 Serval (on stamp and cachet)
WWFCC BI19921016 FDC 200 First Day Cover 200 Serval (on stamp and cachet)
WWFCC BI19921016 FDC 220 First Day Cover 220 Serval (on stamp and cachet)
WWFCC BI19921016 MC 30 Maximum Card 30 Serval
WWFBI19921016 MC 130 Maximum Card 130 Serval
WWFBI19921016 MC 200 Maximum Card 200 Serval
WWFBI19921016 MC 220 Maximum Card 220 Serval
WWF22 May 1997 - Carolophilex BI19970522 ST 30 Stamp 30 Serval
BI19921016 ST 30
overprinted "Exposition philatélique nationale Carolophilex 1997"
MI 1834BI19970522 ST 130 Stamp 130 Serval
BI19921016 ST 130
overprinted "Exposition philatélique nationale Carolophilex 1997"
MI 1835BI19970522 ST 200 Stamp 200 Serval
BI19921016 ST 200
overprinted "Exposition philatélique nationale Carolophilex 1997"
MI 1836BI19970522 ST 220 Stamp 220 Serval
BI19921016 ST 220
overprinted "Exposition philatélique nationale Carolophilex 1997"
MI 18371 December 2011 - Wild Cats Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 ST 1000 11 Stamp 1000 Cheetah
Stamp from sheets or
BI20111201 MS 1000 11
MI 2022BI20111201 ST 1020 8 Stamp 1020 Cheetah
Stamp from
BI20111201 MS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 MS 1020 8
MI 2026BI20111201 ST 1090 9 Stamp 1090 Serval
Stamps from sheets or
BI20111201 MS 1090 9
MI 2023BI20111201 ST 1090 10 Stamp 1090 Lion
Stamp from
BI20111201 MS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 MS 1090 10
MI 2027BI20111201 ST 3000 25 Stamp 3000 Lion
Stamps from sheets or
BI20111201 MS 3000 25
MI 2024BI20111201 ST 3000 26 Stamp 3000 Leopard
Stamps from sheets or
BI20111201 MS 3000 26
MI 2025BI20111201 ST 3000 27 Stamp 3000 African Wildcat
Stamp from
BI20111201 MS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 MS 3000 27
MI 2028BI20111201 ST 3000 28 Stamp 3000 Cheetah
Stamp from
BI20111201 MS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 MS 3000 28
MI 2029BI20111201 IMP 1000 11 Imperforate stamp 1000 Cheetah
Stamp from sheets or
BI20111201 IMS 1000 11
MI 2022BI20111201 IMP 1020 8 Imperforate stamp 1020 Cheetah
Stamp from
BI20111201 IMS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 IMS 1020 8
MI 2026BI20111201 IMP 1090 9 Imperforate stamp 1090 Serval
Stamps from sheets or
BI20111201 IMS 1090 9 or
BI20111201 IMS 4360 9
MI 2023BI20111201 IMP 1090 10 Imperforate stamp 1090 Lion
Stamp from
BI20111201 IMS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 IMS 1090 10 or
BI20111201 IMS 4360 10
MI 2027BI20111201 IMP 3000 25 Imperforate stamp 3000 Lion
Stamps from sheets or
BI20111201 IMS 3000 25
MI 2024BI20111201 IMP 3000 26 Imperforate stamp 3000 Leopard
Stamps from sheets or
BI20111201 IMS 3000 26
MI 2025BI20111201 IMP 3000 27 Imperforate stamp 3000 African Wildcat
Stamp from
BI20111201 IMS 3000 27 or
BI20111201 IMS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 IMS 12000 27
MI 2028BI20111201 IMP 3000 28 Imperforate stamp 3000 Leopard
Stamp from
BI20111201 MS 8110 8 or
BI20111201 MS 3000 28
MI 2029This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 1000 11 Miniature sheet 1000 Cheetah (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 1000 11
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 1020 8 Miniature sheet 1020 Cheetah (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 1020 8
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 1090 9 Miniature sheet 1090 Serval (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 1090 9
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 1090 10 Miniature sheet 1090 Lion (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 1090 10
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 3000 25 Miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 3000 25
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 3000 26 Miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 3000 26
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 3000 27 Miniature sheet 3000 African Wildcat (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 3000 27
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 MS 3000 28 Miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 3000 28
MI UnlistedBDC If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20111201 MS 4000 11 Miniature sheet 4000
(4 x 1000)Cheetah (on stamps and selvedge)
African Wildcat (on selvedge)
MS with 4 x
BI20111201 ST 1020 8
MI UnlistedBI20111201 MS 4080 8 Miniature sheet 4080
(4 x 1020)Cheetah (on stamps and selvedge)
African Wildcat (on selvedge)
MS with 4 x
BI20111201 ST 1020 8
MI UnlistedBI20111201 MS 4360 10 Miniature sheet 4360
(4 x 1090)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
African Wildcat (on selvedge)
MS with 4 x
BI20111201 ST 1090 10
MI UnlistedBI20111201 MS 8110 8 Miniature sheet 8110 Cheetah
African Wildcat
Leopard (on one stamp each and on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
BI20111201 ST 1020 8
BI20111201 ST 1090 10
BI20111201 ST 3000 27
BI20111201 ST 3000 28
MI B157If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20111201 MS 12000 25 Miniature sheet 12000
(4 x 3000)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
African Wildcat
MS with 4 x
BI20111201 ST 3000 25
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20111201 MS 12000 26 Miniature sheet 12000
(4 x 3000)Leopard (on stamps)
African Wildcat (on selvedge)
MS with 4 x
BI20111201 ST 3000 26
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20111201 MS 12000 27 Miniature sheet 12000
(4 x 3000)African Wildcat (on stamps and selvedge)
MS with 4 x
BI20111201 ST 3000 27
MI UnlistedBI20111201 MS 12000 28 Miniature sheet 12000
(4 x 3000)Leopard (on stamps)
African Wildcat (on selvedge)
MS with 4 x
BI20111201 ST 3000 28
MI UnlistedThis item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 1000 11 Imperforate miniature sheet 1000 Cheetah (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 1000 11
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 1020 8 Imperforate miniature sheet 1020 Cheetah (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 1020 8
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 1090 9 Imperforate miniature sheet 1090 Serval (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 1090 9
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 1090 10 Imperforate miniature sheet 1090 Lion (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 1090 10
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 3000 25 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 3000 25
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 3000 26 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 3000 26
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 3000 27 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 African Wildcat (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 3000 27
MI UnlistedBDC This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BI20111201 IMS 3000 28 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion
CoA of Burundi
Single-stamp MS with
BI20111201 IMP 3000 28
MI UnlistedBDC If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20111201 IMS 8110 8 Imperforate miniature sheet 8110 Cheetah
African Wildcat
Leopard (on one stamp each and on selvedge)
MI B15730 December 2011 - Humanitarian Organisations BI20111230 ST 1020 18 Stamp 1020 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from MS
MI 2230BI20111230 ST 3000 50 Stamp 3000 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 2229BI20111230 MS 8140 1 Miniature Sheet 8140 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with
BI20111230 ST 1020 18
and 3 other stamps
MI B18330 March 2012 - Paintings BI20120330 ST 1070 30 Stamp 1070 Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Painting by Edward Saidi Tingatinga (1932-1972)
MI 2335BI20120330 MS 7500 11 Miniature Sheet 7500 Leopard (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Paintings by Edward Saidi Tingatinga (1932-1972)
MI B201BI20120330 MS 8210 10 Miniature Sheet 8210 Leopard (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Paintings by Edward Saidi Tingatinga (1932-1972)
4-stamp MS with
BI20120330 ST 1070 30
and 3 other stamps
MI KB2335-233831 August 2012 - Environmental Protection BI20120831 ST 1070 13 Stamp 1070 Tiger (two caged Tigers)
Stamp from
BI20120831 MS 8140 7
MI 2620BI20120831 ST 1070 33 Stamp 1070 Tiger (youngster)
Stamp from
BI20120831 MS 8140 17
MI 2625BI20120831 ST 1070 34 Stamp 1070 Lion (male and cub)
Stamp from
BI20120831 MS 8140 17
MI 2626ILM BI20120831 ST 3000 32 Stamp 3000 Lion (male and female crossing road)
Stamp from
BI20120831 MS 8140 16
MI 2618BI20120831 ST 7500 7 Stamp 7500 Tiger (part of ear only)
Stamp from
BI20120831 MS 7500 7
MI 2624BI20120831 IMP 1070 13 Imperforate stamp 1070 Tiger (two caged Tigers)
Stamp from
BI20120831 IMS 8140 7
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMP 1070 33 Imperforate stamp 1070 Tiger (youngster)
Stamp from
BI20120831 IMS 8140 17
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMP 1070 34 Imperforate stamp 1070 Lion (male and cub)
Stamp from
BI20120831 IMS 8140 17
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMP 3000 32 Imperforate stamp 3000 Lion (male and female crossing road)
Stamp from
BI20120831 IMS 8140 16
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMP 7500 7 Imperforate stamp 7500 Tiger (part of ear only)
Stamp from
BI20120831 IMS 7500 7
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 1070 13 Miniature sheet 1070 Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
BI20120831 ST 1070 13
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 1070 24 Miniature sheet 1070 Lion (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS (Toad on stamp)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 1070 31 Miniature sheet 1070 Jaguar (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS (Rhino on stamp)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 1070 33 Miniature sheet 1070 Tiger (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20120831 ST 1070 33
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 1070 34 Miniature sheet 1070 Lion (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20120831 ST 1070 34
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 3000 31 Miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS (Camels on stamp)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 3000 32 Miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on stamp)
Jaguar (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20120831 ST 3000 32
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 3000 38 Miniature sheet 3000 Tiger (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS
(Loris on stamp)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 3000 40 Miniature sheet 3000 Tiger (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS
(Zebra on stamp)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 3000 41 Miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS
(Rhino on stamp)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 4280 13 Miniature sheet 4280
(4 x 1070)Tiger (on stamps)
MS with 4 x
BI20120831 ST 1070 13
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 4280 33 Miniature sheet 4280
(4 x 1070)Tiger (on stamps)
MS with 4 x
BI20120831 ST 1070 33
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 4280 34 Miniature sheet 4280
(4 x 1070)Lion (on stamps)
MS with 4 x
BI20120831 ST 1070 34
MI UnlistedBI20120831 MS 7500 7 Miniature Sheet 7500 Tiger (cub, mainly on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20120831 ST 7500 7
MI B248BI20120831 MS 7500 13 Miniature Sheet 7500 Lion (male, on selvedge)
MI B241BI20120831 MS 7500 16 Miniature Sheet 7500 Jaguar (on selvedge)
MI B247BI20120831 MS 8140 7 Miniature Sheet 8140 Tiger (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with
BI20120831 ST 1070 13
and 3 other stamps
MI KB2620-2623BI20120831 MS 8140 16 Miniature Sheet 8140 Lion
4-stamp MS with
BI20120831 ST 3000 32
and 3 other stamps
MI KB2615-2618BI20120831 MS 8140 17 Miniature Sheet 8140 Tiger (on one stamp)
Lion (on one stamp and selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
BI20120831 ST 1070 33 and
BI20120831 ST 1070 34
and 2 other stamps
MI KB2625-2628BI20120831 MS 12000 32 Miniature sheet 12000
(4 x 3000)Lion (on stamps)
MS with 4 x
BI20120831 ST 3000 32
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 4280 13 Imperforate miniature sheet 4280
(4 x 1070)Tiger (on stamps)
MS with 4 x
BI20120831 IMP 4280 13
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 4280 33 Imperforate miniature sheet 4280
(4 x 1070)Tiger (on stamps)
MS with 4 x
BI20120831 IMP 1070 33
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 4280 34 Imperforate miniature sheet 4280
(4 x 1070)Lion (on stamps)
MS with 4 x
BI20120831 IMP 1070 34
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 7500 7 Imperforate miniature sheet 7500 Tiger (cub, mainly on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20120831 IMP 7500 7
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 7500 13 Imperforate miniature sheet 7500 Lion (male, on selvedge)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 7500 16 Imperforate miniature sheet 7500 Jaguar (on selvedge)
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 8140 7 Imperforate miniature sheet 8140 Tiger (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with
BI20120831 IMP 1070 13
and 3 other stamps
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 8140 16 Imperforate miniature sheet 8140 Lion
4-stamp MS with
BI20120831 IMP 3000 32
and 3 other stamps
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 8140 17 Imperforate miniature sheet 8140
( 2 x 1070
+ 2 x 3000)Tiger (on one stamp)
Lion (on one stamp and selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
BI20120831 IMP 1070 33 and
BI20120831 IMP 1070 34
and 2 other stamps
MI UnlistedBI20120831 IMS 12000 32 Imperforate miniature sheet 12000
(4 x 3000)Lion (on stamp)
Ms with 4 x
BI20120831 IMP 3000 32
MI Unlisted21 December 2012 - Lions Club / Lions BI20121221 ST 1180 1 Stamp 1180 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 MS 8370 1
MI 2628BI20121221 ST 1190 1 Stamp 1190 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 MS 8370 1
MI 2629BI20121221 ST 3000 1 Stamp 3000 Lion (male)
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 MS 8370 1
MI 2630BI20121221 ST 3000 2 Stamp 3000 Lion (couple)
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 MS 8370 1
MI 2631BI20121221 ST 7500 1 Stamp 7500 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 IMS 7500 1
MI 2632BI20121221 IMP 1180 1 Imperforate stamp 1180 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 IMS 8370 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMP 1190 1 Imperforate stamp 1190 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 IMS 8370 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMP 3000 1 Imperforate stamp 3000 Lion (male)
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 IMS 8370 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMP 3000 2 Imperforate stamp 3000 Lion (couple)
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 IMS 8370 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMP 7500 1 Imperforate stamp 7500 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
BI20121221 IMS 7500 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 MS 1180 1 Miniature sheet 1180 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 ST 1180 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 MS 1190 1 Miniature sheet 1190 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 ST 1190 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 MS 3000 1 Miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 ST 3000 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 MS 3000 2 Miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 ST 3000 2
MI UnlistedBI20121221 MS 7500 1 Miniature sheet 7500 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20121221 ST 7500 1
MI B290BI20121221 MS 8370 1 Miniature sheet 8370 Lion (on all stamps and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on all stamps
4-stamp MS with the four lower values
MI KB2628-2631BI20121221 IMS 1180 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 1180 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 IMP 1180 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMS 1190 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 1190 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 IMP 1190 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMS 3000 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 IMP 3000 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMS 3000 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20121221 IMP 3000 2
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMS 7500 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 7500 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20121221 IMP 7500 1
MI UnlistedBI20121221 IMS 8370 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 8370 Lion (on all stamps and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem (on all stamps
4-stamp MS with the four lower values
MI Unlisted28 December 2012 - 520th Anniversary of Colombus' Discovery of America This set also includes a Heraldic Lion
BI20121228 MS 7500 6 Miniature sheet 7500 Iberian Lynx (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
'The Glory of Spain', painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
MI B2975 August 2013 - 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with China BI20130805 ST 1180 11 Stamp 1180 Lion
Stamp from
BI20130805 MS 1180 11
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20130805 IMP 1180 11 Imperforate stamp 1180 Lion
Stamp from
BI20130805 IMS 1180 11
MI UnlistedBI20130805 MS 1180 11 Miniature sheet 1180 Lion (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20130805 ST 1180 11
MI UnlistedBI20130805 MS 4720 11 Miniature sheet 4720
(4 x 1180)Lion (on one stamp)
MS with
BI20130805 ST 1180 11
and 3 other stamps
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share.
BI20130805 IMS 1180 11 Imperforate miniature sheet 1180 Lion (on stamp)
Single stamp MS with
BI20130805 IMP 1180 11
MI UnlistedBI20130805 IMS 4720 11 Imperforate miniature sheet 4720
(4 x 1180)Lion (on one stamp)
MS with
BI20130805 IMP 1180 11
and 3 other stamps
MI Unlisted20 August 2013 - African Fauna BI20130820 ST 1180 1 Stamp 1180 Leopard (wrongly inscribed Panthera Onca/Jaguar)
MI 3209BI20130820 IMP 1180 1 Imperforate stamp 1180 Leopard (wrongly inscribed Panthera Onca/Jaguar)
MI UnlistedBI20130820 MS 1180 1 Miniature sheet 1180 Leopard (on stamp - wrongly inscribed Panthera Onca/Jaguar)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20130820 ST 1180 1
MI UnlistedBI20130820 MS 3000 1 Miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with stamp showing giraffes
MI UnlistedBI20130820 MS 3000 2 Miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with stamp showing a gorilla
MI UnlistedBI20130820 MS 7270 1 Miniature sheet 7270
+ 1180
+ 2 x
3000)Leopard (on one stamp)
MS with
BI20130820 ST 1180 1
and 3 other stamps
MI KB3208-3211If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20130820 IMS 1180 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 1180 Leopard (on stamp - wrongly inscribed Panthera Onca/Jaguar)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20130820 IMP 1180 1
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20130820 IMS 3000 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with stamp showing giraffes
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20130820 IMS 3000 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Leopard (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with stamp showing a gorilla
MI UnlistedBI20130820 IMS 7270 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 7270
+ 1180
+ 2 x
3000)Leopard (on one stamp)
MS with
BI20130820 IMP 1180 1
and 3 other stamps
MI Unlisted20 August 2013 - Endangered Mammals BI20130820 ST 3000 42 Stamp 3000 Sand Cat
MI 3311BI20130820 IMP 3000 42 Imperforate stamp 3000 Sand Cat
MI UnlistedBI20130820 MS 3000 41 Miniature sheet 3000 Sand Cat (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS with a stamp showing a lizard
MI UnlistedBI20130820 MS 3000 42 Miniature sheet 3000 Sand Cat (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20130820 ST 3000 42
MI UnlistedBI20130820 MS 8270 5 Miniature sheet 8270
+ 1180
+ 2 x
3000)Sand Cat (on one stamp)
MS with
BI20130820 ST 3000 42 and 3 other stamps
MI KB3308-3311If you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20130820 IMS 3000 41 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Sand Cat (on selvedge)
Single stamp MS with a stamp showing a lizard
MI UnlistedIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20130820 IMS 3000 42 Imperforate miniature sheet 3000 Sand Cat (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20130820 IMP 3000 42
MI UnlistedBI20130820 IMS 8270 5 Imperforate miniature sheet 8270
+ 1180
+ 2 x
3000)Sand Cat (on one stamp)
MS with
BI20130820 IMP 3000 42 and 3 other stamps
MI Unlisted20 October 2014 - Small Wild Cats BI20141020 ST 3690 1 Stamp 3690 Serval
MI 3431ABI20141020 ST 3690 2 Stamp 3690 African Wildcat
MI 3432ABI20141020 ST 3690 3 Stamp 3690 Caracal
MI 3433ABI20141020 ST 3690 4 Stamp 3690 European Wildcat
MI 3434ABI20141020 ST 8500 2 Stamp 8500 Bobcat
Stamp from
BI20141020 MS 8500 2
MI 3435AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMP 3690 1 Imperforate stamp 3690 Serval
MI 3431BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMP 3690 2 Imperforate stamp 3690 African Wildcat
MI 3432BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMP 3690 3 Imperforate stamp 3690 Caracal
MI 3433BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMP 3690 4 Imperforate stamp 3690 European Wildcat
MI 3434BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMP 8500 2 Imperforate stamp 8500 Bobcat
Stamp from
BI20141020 IMS 8500 2
MI 3435BBI20141020 MS 8500 2 Miniature sheet 8500 Bobcat (on stamp)
European Wildcat
Jungle Cat
Leopard Cat (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20141020 ST 8500 2
MI B453ABI20141020 MS 7380 1 Miniature sheet 7380
(2 x 3690)Serval (on one stamp)
Caracal (on one stamp and selvedge)
Leopard Cat
Bobcat (on selvedge)
2-stamp MS with
BI20141020 ST 3690 1
BI20141020 ST 3690 3
MI B451ABI20141020 MS 7380 2 Miniature sheet 7380
(2 x 3690)African Wildcat (on one stamp)
European Wildcat (on one stamp and selvedge)
Serval (on selvedge)
(on one stamp each)
2-stamp MS with
BI20141020 ST 3690 2
BI20141020 ST 3690 4
MI B452ABI20141020 MS 14760 1 Miniature sheet 14760
(4 x 3690)Serval
African Wildcat
European Wildcat (on one stamp each and on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
BI20141020 ST 3690 1
BI20141020 ST 3690 2
BI20141020 ST 3690 3
BI20141020 ST 3690 4
MI KB3431-3434AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMS 7380 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 7380
(2 x 3690)Serval (on one stamp)
Caracal (on one stamp and selvedge)
Leopard Cat
Bobcat (on selvedge)
2-stamp MS with
BI20141020 IMP 3690 1
BI20141020 IMP 3690 3
MI B451BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMS 7380 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 7380
(2 x 3690)African Wildcat (on one stamp)
European Wildcat (on one stamp and selvedge)
Serval (on selvedge)
(on one stamp each)
2-stamp MS with
BI20141020 IMP 3690 2
BI20141020 IMP 3690 4
MI B452BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMS 8500 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 8500 Bobcat (on stamp)
European Wildcat
Jungle Cat
Leopard Cat (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
BI20141020 IMP 8500 2
MI B453BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BI20141020 IMS 14760 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 14760
(4 x 3690)Serval
African Wildcat
European Wildcat (on one stamp each and on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
BI20141020 IMP 3690 1
BI20141020 IMP 3690 2
BI20141020 IMP 3690 3
BI20141020 IMP 3690 4
MI KB3431-3434B10 November 2014 - Scouts BI20141110 ST 2025 1 Stamp 2025 Leopard
MI 3450ABI20141110 IMP 2025 1 Imperforate stamp 2025 Leopard
MI 3450BBI20141110 MS 2025 1 Miniature sheet 2025 Leopard (on stamp
Single stamp MS with
BI20141110 ST 2025 1
MI B458ABI20141110 MS 12700 1 Miniature sheet 12700
(2 x 2025
+ 2 x 4325)Leopard (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with
BI20141110 ST 2025 1
and 3 other stamps
MI KB3450-3453ABI20141110 IMS 2025 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 2025 Leopard (on stamp
Single stamp MS with
BI20141110 IMP 2025 1
MI B458BBI20141110 IMS 12700 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 12700
(2 x 2025
+ 2 x 4325)Leopard (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with
BI20141110 IMP 2025 1
and 3 other stamps
MI KB3450-3453B10 November 2014 - Lions Club and Scouts BI20141110 ST 3090 1 Stamp 3090 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
(Scout serving food)
MI 3472ABI20141110 ST 3090 2 Stamp 3090 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
(Scouts planting a tree)
MI 3473ABI20141110 IMP 3090 1 Imperforate stamp 3090 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
(Scout serving food)
MI 3472BBI20141110 IMP 3090 2 Imperforate stamp 3090 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
(Scouts planting a tree)
MI 3473B
If you have a better scan of this item, please share.BI20141110 MS 3090 1 Miniature sheet 3090 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS with
BI20141110 ST 3090 1
MI B484ABI20141110 MS 3090 2 Miniature sheet 3090 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single stamp MS with
BI20141110 ST 3090 2
MI B485ABI20141110 MS 6180 1 Miniature sheet 6180
(2 x 3090)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
2-stamp MS with
BI20141110 ST 3090 1
BI20141110 ST 3090 2
Horizontal format
MI B482ABI20141110 MS 6180 2 Miniature sheet 6180
(2 x 3090)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
2-stamp MS with
BI20141110 ST 3090 1
BI20141110 ST 3090 2
Vertical format
MI B483ABI20141110 IMS 3090 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 3090 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single-stamp MS with
BI20141110 IMP 3090 1
MI B484ABI20141110 IMS 3090 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 3090 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
Single stamp MS with
BI20141110 IMP 3090 2
MI B485ABI20141110 IMS 6180 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 6180
(2 x 3090)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
2-stamp MS with
BI20141110 IMP 3090 1
BI20141110 IMP 3090 2
Horizontal format
MI B482ABI20141110 IMS 6180 2 Imperforate miniature sheet 6180
(2 x 3090)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Lions Club Emblem
2-stamp MS with
BI20141110 IMP 3090 1
BI20141110 IMP 3090 2
Vertical format
MI B483A20 May 2016 - Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro BI20160520 MS 4050 4 Miniature sheet 4050
(2 x 2025)Jaguar (on selvedge)
2-stamp MS with stamps showing football (soccer) and archery/shooting
MI B578ABI20160520 IMS 4050 4 Imperforate miniature sheet 4050
(2 x 2025)Jaguar (on selvedge)
2-stamp imperforate MS with stamps showing football (soccer) and archery/shooting
MI B578BList compiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Shaun Stevens, Greg Balagian, Nahum Shereshevsky, Hans
vd. Laeren, and Stamperija.
Latest update: 22 October, 2017