Stamps inscribed 'Българска Пощта', 'Царство България', 'Царст. България', 'Пощта България', 'НР България', 'NR Bulgaria', or 'България', in newer times alongside 'Bulgaria'.
1879 ->
From 1879: 1 Lev = 100 Stotinki
From 1952: 1 (New) Lev = 100 Stotinki (= 100 old Leva)
From 1962: 1 Lev (BGL) = 100 Stotinki (= 10 new Leva)
From 1999: 1 Lev (BGN) = 100 Stotinki (= 1000 BGL)
Checklists > Countries > Bulgaria Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Item Code
Item type Face value Remarks SC 2 August 1912 - Silver Jubilee of Zar Ferdinand I (valid until 31 August 1912)
These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats.
BG19120802 PC 0_05 Pre-stamped postcard 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Two lion shaped feet of throne
Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium and on picture side
Crowned Lion Rampant
Bulgarian CoA
Four Lions Rampant on Picture side
Two lion shaped feet of throne
MI P30M BG19120802 PC 0_10 Pre-stamped postcard 0.10 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Two lion shaped feet of throne
Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium and on picture side
Crowned Lion Rampant
Bulgarian CoA
Four Lions Rampant on Picture side
MI P3114 July 1917 - Occupation of Macedonia (I) - Unissued stamp
Items from this issue also show Heraldic Lions
BG19170714 UNI 1_00 Unissued stamp 1.00 Lion
This stamp was prepared for release with the rest of the set, but never placed on sale in post offices, and have no franking value.
A substantial number of stamps were later sold to collectors.
MI Unlisted11 June 1921 - Occupation of Macedonia (III) (valid until 28 June 1921)
An item from this issue also shows Heraldic Lions
BG19210611 ST 0_10 2 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculpture
MI 15226 August 1934 - Shipka Pass Monument (I) This item also shows a Heraldic Lion
BG19340826 ST 2_00 Stamp 2 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Pale red
Same design as
BG19340921 ST 2_00
MI 261BG19340826 ST 4_00 Stamp 4 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Dark Carmine
Same design as
BG19340921 ST 4_00
MI 263BG19340826 ST 16_00 Stamp 16 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Same design as
BG19340921 ST 16_00
MI 26521 September 1934 - Shipka Pass Monument (II) This item also shows a Heraldic Lion
BG19340921 ST 2 Stamp 2 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Dull orange
Same design as
BG19340826 ST 2
MI 267BG19340921 ST 4 Stamp 4 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Same design as
BG19340826 ST 4
MI 269BG19340921 ST 16 Stamp 16 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Yellowish brown
Same design as
BG19340826 ST 16
MI 2711955 - Pre-stamped Envelopes: Sights and Monuments BG19550000 PSE 0_20 12 Pre-stamped envelope 0.20 Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue
Levsky Monument in Levskigrad (currently Kàrlovo)
MI U9c14 March 1964 - 2500 Years of Bulgarian Art BG19640314 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Wild Cat Art
'Horseman Spearing a Lion', Madara. 8th c.
MI 1438BG19640314 IMP 0_10 Imperforate stamp 0.10 Lion
Wild Cat Art
'Horseman Spearing a Lion', Madara. 8th c.
MI 1438U23 May 1966 - Sofia Zoo BG19660523 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02 Tiger
MI 1619BG19660523 ST 0_08 Stamp 0.08 Lion
MI 162329 July 1968 - 80th Anniversary of Sofia Zoo BG19680729 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Leopard
MI 18223 March 1978 - Centenary of the Liberation from the Turks BG19780303 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Stamp from
BG19780303 MS 0_50
MI 2666BG19780303 MS 0_50 Miniature sheet 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shipka Pass Monument (1929-1934)
Sculptor Aleksandar Andreev, architect Atanas Donkov
Single-stamp MS with
BG19780303 ST 0_50
MI B7510 August 1981 - 1300th Anniversary of the First Bulgarian State BG19810810 ST 0_05 1 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
'Horseman Spearing a Lion', Madara. 8th c.
MI 3022BG19810810 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion bas-relief at Stara Zagora, 10th c.
Stamp from
BG19810810 MS 0_50
MI 3036This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BG19810810 MS 0_50 Miniature sheet 0.50 Lion (on stamp)
Heraldic lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion bas-relief at Stara Zagora, 10th c.
Single-stamp MS with
BG19810810 ST 0_50
MI B11423 April 1992 - GRANADA '92 International Philatelic Exhibition BG19920423 SH 1_86 Sheetlet 1.86 Lion (on one label)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI KB3981M BG19920423 LB 3 Stamp-sized label from sheetlet - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI 3981 Zf 3MS 18 December 1992 - Exotic Predators BG19921218 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50 Leopard
MI 4020BG19921218 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Cheetah
MI 4021BG19921218 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Jaguar
MI 4022BG19921218 ST 2_00 1 Stamp 2.00 Puma
MI 4023BG19921218 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 Tiger
MI 4024BG19921218 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
MI 4025FDC
MCIf you have a scan of a mint copy of this item, please share.
BG19921218 PSE 0_05 Pre-stamped envelope 0.05
(sold at 0.06)Lion (in cachet)
Heraldic Lion (in stamp indicium)
WWF logo and text:
"Редки Хищни Бозайници" ("Rare Carnivores")
We are not certain about the official status of this envelope. It might be a private cachet printed on a base envelope issued in 1990. Correct postage for 1992 would have been 1.00.
We have seen several examples of it being used as FDC for this stamp issue.
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
MI U1148 (personalized?)FDC
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
BG19921218 PSE 1_00 7
PSE back
Pre-stamped envelope 1.00
+0.05)Leopard (in cachet)
Heraldic Lion (in one stamp indicium)
MI U1282.01BG19921218 FDP 1000 First Day Postmark - Lion
"Екэотични Хищници"
("Exotic Predators")
1000 София / Sofia
18 December 19922 May 1997 - Historical Sights BG19970502 ST 500 Stamp 500 Lion
Wild Cat Art
'Horseman Spearing a Lion', Madara. 8th c.
MI 428110 June 1998 - FIFA World Cup in France BG19980610 ST 60 Stamp 60 Lion
MI 4343ILM BG19980610 ST 80 Stamp 80 Lion
MI 4344BG19980610 ST 120 1 Stamp 120 Lion (with football players)
Stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 4345BG19980610 ST 120 2 Stamp 120 Lion (with football)
Stamp from MS
BG19980610 MS 120
MI 4347BG19980610 ST 600 Stamp 600 Lion
MI 4346BG19980610 MS 120 Miniature sheet 120 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
BG19980610 ST 120 2
MI B2352000 - Bulgarian Olympic Committee Meter Frank This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
Our scan is of a test print
BG2000 MF BGOC 1000 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Bugarian Olympic Commettee Logo
"Sydney 2000 - 15 September - 01 October - Български олимпийски комитет"
1000 София / Sofia, BOC
Earliest use reported:
22 August 2000
Latest use reported:
22 August 2000
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.TP 14 May 2008 - 10th Anniversary of Sofia Zoo Valid until 31 May 2011
BG20080514 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from
BG20080514 MS 2_80
MI 4856AM
ILSBG20080514 MS 2_80 Miniature sheet 2.80 Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp)
6-stamp MS with
BG20080514 ST 1_00
and 5 other stamps
MI B29922 September 2016 - Trapezitsa Museum Joint issue with Azerbaijan
BG20160922 MS 1_50 Miniature sheet 1.50 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at Trapezitsa Museum in Veliko Tarnovo
MI B419
Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Nahum Shereshevsky, D.G.Naryshkin, and
Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 9 June, 2021