Stamps inscribed 'Belgique' and/or 'België'
1849 ->
From 1849: 1 Franc (BEF) = 100 Centimes
From 2002: 1 Euro = 100 Eurocents (= BEF 40.3399)
Checklists > Countries > Belgium Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 5 December 1959 - Anti-Tubercolosis BE19591205 ST 3__1 Semi-postal stamp 3.00
+ 1.00Stylized Cats
MI 11715 December 1960 - Anti-Tubercolosis BE19601205 ST 6__2 Semi-postal stamp 6.00
+ 2.00Porcelaine Cat
Cat Art
MI 12273 December 1966 - Solidarity BE19661203 ST 8__3_50 Semi-postal stamp 8.00
+ 3.50Unspecified Breed
Cat Drawing
MI 146010 May 1970 - Kattestoet BE19700510 PMK 8900 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified Breed
Stylized cat
"2de Zondag van mei - Kattestoet", Ieper
10 May 197011 May 1975 - Kattestoet BE19750511 PMK 8900 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
"2de Zondag van mei - Kattestoet"
8900 Ieper
11 May 197514 May 1978 - Kattestoet BE19780514 PMK 8900 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cartoon cat
Kattestoet, 2nd. Sunday of May, 8900 Ieper
14 May 197820 June 1992 - Lodelinsart Philatelic Circle BE19920620 PMK 6042 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
"Cercle Philatélique"
6042 Lodelinsart
20 June 19924-6 September 1993 - Nature (2): European Domestic Cats BE19930904 ST 15_00 1 Stamp 15.00 Unspecified breed
Red tabby and white
Stamp from
BE19930904 BK 60_00
MI 2573BE19930904 ST 15_00 2 Stamp 15.00 Unspecified breed
Black and white
Stamp from
BE19930904 BK 60_00
MI 2574BE19930904 ST 15_00 3 Stamp 15.00 Unspecified breed
Blue tabby
Stamp from
BE19930904 BK 60_00
MI 2575BE19930904 ST 15_00 4 Stamp 15.00 Unspecified breed
Tortie and white
Stamp from
BE19930904 BK 60_00
MI 2576BE19930904 BK 60_00 Booklet 60.00
(4 x 15.00)Unspecifed breed (on all stamps and cover)
4-stamp booklet with
BE19930904 ST 15_00 1
BE19930904 ST 15_00 2
BE19930904 ST 15_00 3
BE19930904 ST 15_00 4
MI MH35BE19930904 FDP 1060 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Cercle Royal Philatélique de St. Gilles"
Pre-sales postmark
1060 Bruxelles/Brussel (Brussels)
4 September 1993BE19930904 FDP 6001 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Chats Europeens - Cercle Philatélique Marcinelle"
Pre-sales postmark
6001 Marcinelle
4 September 1993BE19930904 FDP 9340 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Postzegelkring Leda"
9340 Lede
Pre-sales postmark
4 September 1993BE19930906 FDP 1000 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"1ste dag - Natuur/re - 1er Jour - Katten Chats"
First day general sales postmark
1000 Bruxelles 1/
Brussel 1 (Brussels 1)
6 September 1993BE19930904 MISC FLY FR Information flyer - Unspecified breed
Information flyer from the Post about the issue in FrenchBE19930904 MISC FLY NL Information flyer - Unspecified breed
Information flyer from the Post about the issue in Dutch2001 - Cat Pumps Meter Frank BE2001 MF CAT 2550 Meter Frank - Unspecified Breed
Stylized Cat
"Cat Pumps"
Machine No. BCFF674102550 Kontich 1
Earliest use reported:
23 January 2001
Latest use reported:
23 January 2001
If you know more about the datest of use for this item, please let us know.2001-02 - MyStamp/Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20010000 LB 4 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Siamese
Personalised label attached to Pansies-type Duostamp
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us know2002 - MyStamp/Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20020000 LB 123 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (pregnant cat)
Personalised label attached to NVI Duostamp (White Type)
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us know.BE20020000 LB 2 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Siamese (lying down)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE20020000 LB 5 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Siamese (sitting)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us know2002-03 - MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20030000 LB 417 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed (black and white housecat in bushes)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE20030000 LB 425 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed (close up of brown tabby)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE20030000 LB 440 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed (red and white cat at scratch-pole)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE20030000 LB 441 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed (golden tabby)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE20030000 LB 4001 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed (brown tabby close-up)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us know2003-04 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE2003_040000 LB 1 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed (black and white housecat)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp II
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE2003_040000 LB 85 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Persian (blue and white)
Personalised label attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp II
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us know2003 Le Chat Duostamps BE20030408 SH 7_35 Duostamp sheetlet 16.00
(franking value 7.35)Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
(on 15 "personalised" labels as well as in top margin)
Sheetlet with 15 pre-personalised labels attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 1 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Golfing) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 2 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Selling Balloons) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 3 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Playing Darts) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 4 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Looking at "Croissant" Moon) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 5 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Water Skiing) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 6 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Birds on Phoneline) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 7 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (with Sea Lion) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 8 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (on Seesaw) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 9 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (with Vending Machine) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 10 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Throwing Plungers) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 11 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Throwing Bone) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 12 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Throwing Dog) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 13 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Throwing Pliers(?)) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 14 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Throwing Bowl) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp IBE20030408 LB 15 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (Throwing Boomerang) attached to Denominated PRIOR Duostamp I2004 Hallmark "Ready to Send" Cards and Duostamps BE20040000 LB 9 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (red-tabby kitten with white dog)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 9)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20040000 LB 11 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (red-tabby longhair)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 11)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20040000 LB 25 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (two silhouettes aginst sunset (-rise?))
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 25)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20040000 LB 26 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten in hammock)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 26)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20040000 LB 27 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (silver-shaded kitten watching aquarium fish)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 27)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20040000 LB 35 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten with Dalmatian puppy)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 35)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2004 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20040000 LB 382 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Cartoon Cat (Cat with Witch)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE20040000 LB 430 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (White Kitten)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us knowBE20040000 LB 599 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Cartoon Cat (and dog)
"Onze beste vrienden - de dieren" ("Our best friends - the animals")
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you have any more information on this issue, please let us know2004 Halloween BE20041015 ST 0_44 1 Stamp 0.44 Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive stamp form booklet
Imperf. Left
MI 3373 BDlBE20041015 ST 0_44 2 Stamp 0.44 Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive stamp form booklet
Imperf. Right
MI 3373 BDrBE20041015 ST 0_44 3 Stamp 0.44 Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive stamp form booklet
Imperf. Right
MI 3373 BElBE20041015 BK 4_40
Booklet 4.40 Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive booklet with 2 x
BE20041015 ST 0_44 1
2 x
BE20041015 ST 0_44 2
and 1 x
BE20041015 ST 0_44 3
and 5 other stamps2004 Garfield the Movie Duostamps BE20040900 BK 5xNVI 1 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI (0.50 at time of issue) Cartoon Cat
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels with Garfield attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20040900 LB 1 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (with plate of lasagna)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20040900 LB 2 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (at table)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20040900 LB 3 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (resting in kibble (or cheerios?))
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20040900 LB 4 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (on brick wall)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20040900 LB 5 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (in director's chair)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2004 Looney Tunes Duostamps BE20041000 BK 5xNVI Duostamp pack 5 x NVI (0.50 at time of issue) Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on one label)
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels with Looney Tunes characters attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20041000 LB 5 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2005 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20050000 LB 1001 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (blue and white, semi-longhair kitten, face)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB 1002 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (blue and white, semi-longhair kitten, lieing on right side)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB 1003 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (one blue and white, and one black semi-longhair kitten, lieing on right side)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB 1004 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (three kittens: blue and white, smoke, black)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB 1005 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (blue and white, semi-longhair kitten, in bar-ball)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB X1 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (black and white shorthair)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2005 (?) Hallmark "Ready to Send" Cards and Duostamps (a-series) BE20050000 LBXXa Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (one brown tabby and one brown tabby and white kitten in tree)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. ??)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB 11a Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten on piano)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 11a)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB 15a Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten with Blood Hound)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 15a)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB 25a Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (two red-tabby kittens)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 25a) as well as in Hallmark Duostamp set 12
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB 26a Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (1 red-tabby 1 brown-tabby kitten)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 26a) and also in Hallmark Duostamps 16, and is listed twice for reference
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB 27a Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten with dieadem)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 27a)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB 31a Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten with Golden Retriever (?) puppy)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 31a) and also in Hallmark Duostamp Set 10, and is listed twice for reference.
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2005 Hallmark Duostamps 3 BE20050000 BK 5xNVI H3 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.50 on issue)Unspecified Breed (kitten asleep on ball of yarn) (on one label)
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB H3_3 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten asleep on ball of yarn)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 3 and with Hallmark Greeting card (2. series) no. 27, and is listed twice for reference
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2005 Hallmark Duostamps 9 BE20050000 BK 5xNVI H9 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.50 on issue)Unspecified Breed (on two labels)
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 SH 15xNVI H9 Duostamp sheetlet 15 x NVI
(sold at 14.99 - franking value 7.50 on issue)Unspecified Breed (on 6 labels)
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB H9_2 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten and sunflowers)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB H9_3 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (4 kittens (2 red-tabby, 2 brown-tabby)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 9 and with Hallmark Greeting card (series 2, no.25), and is listed twice for reference
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2006 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20060000 LB 1076 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (blue and white, semi-longhair kitten, face, close-up)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 1077 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (blue and white, semi-longhair kitten, head and torso)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 1078 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Persian
Stamp on stamp
Label shows
AR20050716 ST 0_50
AR20050716 LB 4
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 1079 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - European Shorthair
Stamp on stamp
Label shows
AR20050716 ST 0_75
AR20050716 LB 2
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 1080 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Abyssinian
Stamp on stamp
Label shows
AR20050716 ST 0_75
AR20050716 LB 1
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 1081 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Oriental Shorthair
Stamp on stamp
Label shows
AR20050716 ST 0_50
AR20050716 LB3
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 1104 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (brown tabby)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
Same design as
BE20060000 LB 2-55
BE20060000 LB 3-31
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 2-55 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (brown tabby)
Personalised label attached to Belgica '06 Duostamp
Same design as
BE20060000 LB 1104
BE20060000 LB 3-31
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20060000 LB 3-31 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (brown tabby)
Personalised label attached to Christmas 2006 Duostamp
Same design as
BE20060000 LB 1104
BE20060000 LB 2-55
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2006 (?) Hallmark "Ready to Send" Cards and Duostamps (2. series) BE20050000 LB H9_3 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten asleep on ball of yarn)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 9 and with Hallmark Greeting card (series 2, no.25), and is listed twice for reference
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB H3_3 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten asleep on ball of yarn)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 3 and with Hallmark Greeting card (series 2, no. 27), and is listed twice for reference
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2006 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20060000 LB X1 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified Breed (tortie kitten with snowy Christmas decorations)
"Meilleurs voeux pour 2007" ["Best wishes for 2007"]
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know more about this item, please let us know2006 Hallmark Duostamps 10 BE20060000 BK 5xNVI H10 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.50 on issue)Unspecified Breed (kitten with Golden Retriever (?) puppy) on one label
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20060000 SH 15xNVI H10 Duostamp pack 15 x NVI
(sold at 14.99 - franking value 7.50 on issue)Unspecified Breed (kitten with Golden Retriever (?) puppy) on one label
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20050000 LB 31a Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten with Golden Retriever (?) puppy)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 31a) and also in Hallmark Duostamp Set 10, and is listed twice for reference.
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2006 Hallmark Duostamps 12 BE20060000 BK 5xNVI H12 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.50 on issue)Unspecified Breed (two red-tabby kittens) on one label
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20060000 SH 15xNVI H12 Duostamp pack 15 x NVI
(sold at 14.99 - franking value 7.50 on issue)Unspecified Breed (two red-tabby kittens) on three labels
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
15 different labels attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20060000 LB 25a Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (two red-tabby kittens)
Pre-personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This duostamp was sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card (no. 25a) as well as in Hallmark Duostamp set 12, and is listed twice for reference.
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2006 Garfield Duostamps BE20060828 BK 5xNVI 3 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.50 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels with Garfield attached to Prior NVI DuostampBE20060828 LB 11 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (face)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI DuostampBE20060828 LB 12 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (with sunglasses)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI DuostampBE20060828 LB 13 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (with Big Ben)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI DuostampBE20060828 LB 14 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (with royal crown)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI DuostampBE20060828 LB 15 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Garfield (2 x showing V-sign)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp2006 Disney Duostamps BE20060900 BK NVI 3 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.50 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Marie from the Aristocats
Stamps with personalised labels (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
Pack of 5 Duostamps with characters from Disney movies
Also contains one label with Simba from the Lion KingBE20060900 LB P 5 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Marie from the Aristocats2007 (?) Whiskas Mass Mailer BE200X MM WHIS 4605 Mass Mailer PB-PP British Shorthair
Massmailer from Whiskas, 1785 Merchtem (posted from postcode 4605, which doesn't exist in the official database....)2007 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE200070000 LB 1135 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Toy Cat
"Happy Halloween"
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE200070000 LB 1391 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Ubspecified Breed (Reading Cat)
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE200070000 LB 1394 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Ubspecified Breed (Tortie Kitten)
"Meilleurs voeux pour 2007"
Personalised label attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20070000 LB 5 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Cartoon Cat
"Happy Halloween 2007"
Personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20070000 LB 240 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed (4 kittens)
Personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2007 Hallmark Duostamps 16 BE20070000 BK H16 Duostamp pack 5 x NVI
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.60 on issue)Unspecified Breed (on 4 labels)
Burmese (on 1 label)
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI DuostampBE20070000 SH H16 Duostamp pack 15 x NVI
(sold at 14.99 - franking value 8.00 on issue)Unspecified Breed (on 4 labels)
Burmese (on 3 labels)
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels attached to Prior NVI DuostampBE20070000 LB H16_1 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (4 blue-tabby kittens)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 16 and with a Hallmark Greeting card (series 3, no. ???)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20070000 LB H16_2 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Burmese (3 kittens)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 16 and with a Hallmark Greeting card (series 3, no. ???)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20070000 LB H16_3 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten playing with ball)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 16 and with a Hallmark Greeting card (series 3, no. ???)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20070000 LB H16_4 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten playing with ball)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 16 and with a Hallmark Greeting card (series 3, no. ???)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20050000 LB 26a Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (one blue-tabby and white and one blue-tabby kitten)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to Prior NVI Duostamp
This label was sold both in Hallmark Duostamp Set 16 and with a Hallmark Greeting card (a-series no. 26a), and is listed twice for reference
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2008 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20080000 LB 312 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Cartoon Cat
"Halloween 2008"
Personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20080000 LB 313 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Cartoon Cat
"Happy Halloween - 2008"
Personalised (?) label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20080000 LB 399 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Cartoon Cat
"Happy Halloween"
Personalised (?) label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnowBE20080000 LB XXXa Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified Breed (brown tabby with Santa Claus-hat)
Personalised (?) label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp
Earliest use reported:
23 December 2008
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us lnow2008 Hallmark Duostamps 19 BE20080000 BK 5x1 H19 Duostamp pack 5 x 1
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.70 on issue)Unspecified Breed (1 Blue-tabby and white and 1 blue-tabby kitten)
Pack of 5 pre-personalised labels (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB H19_5 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Unspecified Breed (1 Blue-tabby and white and 1 blue-tabby kitten)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp2008 Editor Cards and Mediastamps BE20080000 LB 657 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1 (0.52 on issue) Unspecified breed (tabby, head on pillow)
Sold with Editor Card no. 2
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 663 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Unspecified breed (blue-tabby and white kitten under towel)
Sold with Editor Card no. 8
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 668 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Unspecified breed (two kittens, 1 brown-tabby, 1 brown-tabby and white)
Sold with Editor Card no. 13
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 681 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Unspecified breed (two kittens playing)
Sold with Editor Card no. 26
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 686 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (with Tweety and Tasmanian Monster on road with balloons)
Sold with Editor Card no. 31
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 688 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Cartoon Cat
(kitten with Tweety)
Sold with Editor Card no. 33
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 691 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Cartoon Cat
(on dance floor)
Sold with Editor Card no. 36
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 711 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Unspecified breed
Red-tabby kitten playing with Christmas-tree branch
Sold with Editor Christmas Card selection no. 1-2008
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080000 LB 735 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) 1
(0.52 on issue)Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby kitten sleeping on Santa-costume
Sold with Editor Christmas Card selection no. 3-2008
Pre-personalised label attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp2008 Red Cross - Le Chat BE20080121 ST 1 1 Stamp 1
(0.52 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
Imperf. left
MI 3795 BDlBE20080121 ST 1 2 Stamp 1
(0.52 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
Imperf. right
MI 3795 BDrBE20080121 ST 1 3 Stamp 1
(0.52 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
Imperf. left and bottom
MI 3795 BElBE20080121 ST 1 4 Stamp 1
(0.52 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
Imperf. right and bottom
MI 3795 BErBE20080121 ST 1__0_25 1 Semi-postal Stamp 1 (0.52 on issue) + 0.25 Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
MI 3794BE20080121 BK 10x1 Booklet 10 x 1 (5.20 on issue) Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (on stamps and cover)
MI MH???BE20080121 SH 5x1__0_25 Sheetlet with semi-postal stamps 5 x 1 (2.60 on issue) + 1.25 Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (on stamps and in margin)
MI Unnumberred sheetletBE2008019 FDP 7800 First day postmark - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Croix Rouge"
FDP for advance sales
7800 Ath
19 Jan 2008BE20080121 FDP 1000 First day postmark - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Croix Rouge - Rode Kruis - 1er jour - 1ste dag"
21 Jan 20102008 International Comic Book Festival of Angoulême BE20080124_27 PMK FR16000 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"La Poste Belge au Festival International de la Bande Dessinée
Angoulême (France)
24-27 Jan 20082008 Smurf Duostamps BE20080518 BK 5x1 1 Duostamp pack 5 x 1
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.70 on issue)Cartoon Cat
(Gargamel's Cat) (on one label)
Pack of 5 pre-personalised labels (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080518 SH 15x1 1 Duostamp sheetlet 15 x 1
(sold at 16.00 - franking value 8.10 on issue)Cartoon Cat
(Gargamel's Cat) (on three labels)
Sheetlet of 15 pre-personalised labels (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080518 LB 3 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
(Gargamel's Cat)
Pre-personalised label (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp2008 101 Dalmatians Duostamps BE20080826 BK 5x1 1 Duostamp pack 5 x 1
(sold at 4.99 - franking value 2.70 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Colonel Tibbs
Pack of 5 pre-personalised labels (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20080826 LB P 3 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat
Colonel Tibbs
Pre-personalised label (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stamp2008 Hallmark "Ready to Send" Cards and Duostamps BE20080800 LB 1
with card
Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten pawing gift-box)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20080800 LB 2
with card
Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (silver-tabby kitten)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2008 Hallmark Looney Tunes "Ready to Send" Cards and Duostamps BE20080900 LB 6 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (and Tweety in front of Christmas tree (?)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card
If you have a better scan and/or a scan of the card, please share it with us
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20080900 LB 9 Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (and Tweety in front of Christmas tree (?)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card
If you have a better scan and/or a scan of the card, please share it with us
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2009 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20090000 LB 609 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Cartoon Cat
(Witch, owl and cat inside pumpkin)
Personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20090000 LB 858 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Cartoon Cat
"Halloween" (Girl with three cats)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20090000 LB 862 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified Breed
(Cat and kitten with pumpkins)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20090000 LB 879 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Cartoon Cat
(Cat with Owl)
"Halloween 2009"
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20090000 LB 883 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
(Cat with boy)
"Halloween - 2009"
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20091200 PLB X1 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified breed
Brown tabby shorthair with Santa hat
Earliest use reported:
24 December 2009
Latest use reported:
24 December 2009
Personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know more about this item, please let us know2009 20th Anniversary of the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art BE20091005 MS 1W Miniature Sheet 1W (basic letter rate World - 1.05 on issue) Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (on selvedge)
MI B146BE20091005 PC 1 3 Pre-stamped Postcard 1
(0.59 on issue)Cartoon Cat
(from Clifton by Turk de Groot) (in cachet)2009 40th Anniversary of Glénat (Comic Book Publisher) BE20090824 SH 15x1 Duostamp sheetlet 15x1 (sold at 14.50 - franking value 8.10 on issue) Cartoon Cats (on 2 labels)
Sheetlet of 15 pre-personalised labels (issued by the Post Office) attached to Logo 1-type NVI stampBE20090824 LB 9 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat (with goldfish)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type DuostampBE20090824 LB 13 Personalised stamp label (official issue) - Cartoon Cat (in pirate hat)
Pre-personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp2010 MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20100000 LB 1184 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified Breed (blue tabby kitten b&w photo)
Personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20100000 LB 1188 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified Breed (two kittens sleeping in basket)
Personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
Same design as
BE20120000 LB X2
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20100000 LB 100001 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Sacred Birman
Personalised label attached to 1-denominated type Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.2010 Hallmark "Ready to Send" Cards and Duostamps BE20101000 LB X1
with card
Personalised stamp label (commercial issue) - Unspecified Breed (kitten pawing gift-box)
Pre-personalised label attached to bpost type Duostamp
This duostamp was only sold along with a Hallmark Greeting Card
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.13 March 2010 - Europa: Children's Books BE20100313 ST 3E 2 Stamp 3E (Europe up to 100g - 2.70 on issue) Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Children's book illustration by Kitty Crowther and Gerda Dendoovuk
Stamp from MS
MI 4049BE20100313 MS 2x3E Miniature Sheet 2 x 3E (Europe up to 100g - 5.40 on issue) Cartoon Cat (on one stamp)
Cats in Literature
Children's book illustration by Kitty Crowther and Gerda Dendoovuk
Stamp from MS
MI 4049BE20100313 FDC 2x3E First day cover 2 x 3E (Europe up to 100g - 5.40 on issue) Cartoon Cat (on one stamp and in postmark)
Cats in Literature
Children's book illustration by Kitty Crowther and Gerda Dendoovuk
Stamp from MS
MI 4049BE20100313 FDP 9000 1 First day postmark - Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Children's book illustration by Kitty Crowther and Gerda Dendoovuk
9000 Gent
13 March 201031 March 2010 - Out of the Nest BE20100313 ST 1 3 Stamp 1 (0.59/ 0.69 on issue) * British Shorthair (1 kitten)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
Imperf. left
MI 4052BE20100313 ST 1 7 Stamp 1 (0.59/ 0.69 on issue) * British Shorthair (2 kittens)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
Imperf. right
MI 4057BE20100313 BK 10x1 Booklet 10 x 1 (5.90/ 6.90 on issue) * Bristish Shorthair (on 2 stamps)
Self-adhesive booklet with all 10 stamps in set
MI MH???BE20100313 FDC 10x1 First day cover 10 x 1 (5.90/ 6.90 on issue) * Bristish Shorthair (on 2 stamps and in postmark)
Official FDC from the advance sale in Gent with all 10 stamps in setBE20100313 FDP 9000 2 First day postmark - British Shorthair
"Uit het nest"
FDP from the advance sale
9000 Gent
13 March 20102011 - MyStamp/Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20110000 LB 582 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Persian (kitten playing with stars)
Personalised label attached to bpost type Duostamp
Earliest use reported:
20 December 2011
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.BE20110000 LB X3 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified breed (red-tabby kitten and puppy)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.BE20110000 LB X4 Personalised stamp label (private issue?) - Unspecified breed (silver-tabby kitten peeking out from cover)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.2 April 2011 - At the Fair BE20110402 ST 1 2 Stamp 1
(0.61/ 0.71 on issue) *Unspecified breed
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4162BE20110402 BK 10x1 Booklet 10x1 (6.10 / 7.10 on issue) * Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Booklet with
BE20110402 ST 1 2
and 9 other stamps4 June 2011 - 100th Anniversary of ‘Heide’ Train Station BE20110604 MS 8_00 Railway parcel miniature sheet 8.00 Cartoon Cat
Single-stamp MS issued by the Belgian Raiways
MI EP???29 August 2011 - Sonic the Hedgehog Duostamps BE20110829 BK 5x1 Duostamp pack 5x1 (sold at 4.99 - franking value 3.55 on issue) Cartoon Cat (on one label)
Blaze from Sonic
Stamps with pre-personalised labels (issued by the post office)
5 different labels with Sonic attached to bpost 1-denominated DuostampBE20110829 LB 5 Personalised stamp label - Cartoon Cat (on one label)
Blaze from Sonic
Pre-personalised label (issued by the post office) attached to bpost 1-denominated Duostamp2012 - MyStamp/ Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20120000 LB X1 Personalised stamp label (official issue?) - Unspecified Breed
Two red-tabby (one with white) kittens om a table/bench
(Pre-?) personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20120000 LB X2 Personalised stamp label (official issue?) - Unspecified Breed (two kittens sleeping in basket)
Personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
Same design as
BE20100000 LB 1188BE20120000 LB 308 Personalised stamp label - Unspecified breed (brown tabby and white kitten with white fence)
Personalised label attached to bpost type Duostamp
Issued by Hallmark
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowBE20120000 LB 314 Personalised stamp label (official issue?) - Cartoon Cat
Pussy Deluxe
(Pre-?) personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.14-16 April 2012 - Pets
BE20120414 ST 1 3 Stamp 1
(0.65 / 0.75 on issue) *British Shorthair
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4278BE20120414 BK 10x1 Booklet 10 x 1
(6.50 / 7.50 on issue) *British Shorthair (on one stamp)
10-stamp self-adhesive booklet with
BE20120414 ST 1 3
and 9 other stamps
MI MH???BE20120414 FDC 10x1 4280 First day cover 10 x 1
(6.50 / 7.50 on issue) *British Shorthair (on one stamp)
Unspecified Breed (in postmark)
FDC with all 10 stamps from pre-sale event in HannutIf you have a scan of this item, please share. BE20120416 FDC 10x1 1000 First day cover 10 x 1
(6.50 / 7.50 on issue) *British Shorthair (on one stamp)
Unspecified Breed (in postmark)
FDC with all 10 stamps from official release in BrusselsBE20120416 FDS 10x1 1000 First day sheet 10 x 1
(6.50 / 7.50 on issue) *British Shorthair (on one stamp)
Unspecified Breed (in postmark)
FDS with all 10 stamps from official release in BrusselsBE20120414 FDP 4280 First day postmark - Unspecified Breed
"Animaux de compagnie"
Postmark from pre-sale event
4280 Hannut
14 April 2012BE20120416 FDP 1000 First day postmark - Unspecified Breed
"Animaux de compagnie / Gezelschapsdieren - 1er jour - 1ste dag"
1000 Bruxelles/Brussel (Brussels)
16 April 20122013 - MyStamp/Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20130000 LB 1 Personalised stamp label (official issue?) - Cartoon Cat
(Pre-?) personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
Earliest use reported:
2 December 2013
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.BE20130000 LB 2 Personalised stamp label (official issue?) - Cartoon Cat
(Pre-?) personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.BE20130000 LB X3 Personalised stamp label (official issue?) - Unspecified Breed (silver-tabby kitten)
(Pre-?) personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
First use reported:
18 October 2013
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.BE20131000 LB 774 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cats
Personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
Happy Halloween stamps issued by W.S. Grand
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.2014 - MyStamp/Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20140000 LB 1144 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Gaston Lagaffe's cat
Issued by W.S. Gand
Personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.2015 - MyStamp/Montimbre/Mijnzegel (with personalised labels) BE20151023 SH 10x1 Personalised sheetlet - Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Cartoon Cat (on labels)
sheetlet with 10 x bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamps with
BE20151023 LB X3
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.BE20150000 LB X2 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed
Kitten sleeping in bag
Personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp
If you have any further information about this item, please let us
BE20151023 LB X3 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp from
BE20151023 SH 10x1
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.BE20150000 LB X4 Personalised stamp label (private issue) - Unspecified breed
Sacred Birman
Personalised label attached to bpost 1-denominated type II Duostamp issued by Marie-Louise Van Beek.
Mystamps Catalogue no. I-BE1 / 2478
BE20170000 PST 1 X1
for self-adhesive version
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.11 April 2015 - Lucky Luke BE20150411 ST 1 5 Stamp 1
(0.72 / 0.77 on issue) *Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
"Sweetie" (Ma Dalton's Cat) from Lucky Luke
Self-adhesive stamp from
BE20150411 BK 10x1
MI 4557BE20150411 BK 10x1 Booklet 10 x 1
(10 x 0.72) / 7.70 (10 x 0.77)) on
issue *Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
"Sweetie" (Ma Dalton's Cat) from Lucky Luke
Self-adhesive booklet with
BE20150411 ST 1 5
and 9 other stamps
MI MH???25 January 2016 - Kittens in 4 Seasons
Presentation of the issue from PhilaNews in Dutch or French.
BE20160125 ST 1 1 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Sacred Birman?)
(Tabby pointed kitten)
Shorter, rounded dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 1
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 036
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 2 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby kitten)
Shorter, rounded dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 1
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 037
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 3 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(White kitten with ball of yarn)
Shorter, rounded dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 1
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 038
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 4 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Red/Sorrel kitten sleeping in basket)
Shorter, rounded dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 1
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 039
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 5 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(British Shorthair?)
(Cream kitten sleeping with balls of yarn)
Shorter, rounded dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 1
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 040
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 6 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Sacred Birman?)
(Tabby pointed kitten)
Longer, more pointed dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 2
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 036A
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 7 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby kitten)
Longer, more pointed dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 2
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 037A
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 8 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(White kitten with ball of yarn)
Longer, more pointed dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 2
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 038A
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 9 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Red/Sorrel kitten sleeping in basket)
Longer, more pointed dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 2
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 039A
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 ST 1 10 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(British Shorthair?)
(Cream kitten sleeping with balls of yarn)
Longer, more pointed dents
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20160125 BK 10x1 2
Mystamps Catalogue no. K-BE1 / 040A
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)
Back coverBE20160125 BK 10x1 1 Booklet 10 x 1
(7.90 /
10 x 0.79 on issue)
(sold at 8.40)Unspecified breed (on all stamps, cover, and back cover)
Booklet/Stamp pack with 2 each of
BE20160125 ST 1 1
BE20160125 ST 1 2
BE20160125 ST 1 3
BE20160125 ST 1 4
BE20160125 ST 1 5
on two identical panes
MI FB4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20160125 BK 10x1 2 Booklet 10 x 1
(7.90 /
10 x 0.79 on issue)
(sold at 8.40)Unspecified breed (on all stamps, cover, and back cover)
MaxiBooklet/Stamp pack with 2 each of
BE20160125 ST 1 6
BE20160125 ST 1 7
BE20160125 ST 1 8
BE20160125 ST 1 9
BE20160125 ST 1 10
on one, single pane
The Stamp pack included
BE20160125 MISC PC
MI FB4229DII (pre-personalised)If you have a scan of this item, please share. BE20160125 MISC PC Un-franked postcard - Unspecified breed (presumably - we have not seen this item)
Postcard sold in pack with
BE20160125 BK 10x1 222 November 2016 - Sweet Kisses BE20161122 ST 1 2 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Two tabby kittens)
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20161122 ST 1 5 Stamp 1
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
(Cat and rabbit)
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20161122 BK 10x1 Booklet 10 x 1
(7.90 /
10 x 0.79 on issue)
(sold at 8.40)Unspecified breed (on four stamps and back cover)
Booklet/Stamp pack with 2 each of
BE20161122 ST 1 2
BE20161122 ST 1 5
and 6 other stamps
MI FB4229DII (pre-personalised)2017 - MyStamp/Montimbre/Mijnzegel BE20170000 PST 1 X1 Personalised stamp 11
(0.79 on issue -
sold at 0.84)Unspecified breed
Sacred Birman
Personalised stamp issued by Marie-Louise Van Beek.
Mystamps Catalogue no. J-BE1 / 00528
BE20150000 LB X4
for gummed version
If you have any further information about this item, please let us know.27 August 2018 - Kittens BE20180827 ST 1 1 Stamp 1
(0.87 on issue -
sold at 0.94 )Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby kitten with ball of yarn)
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20180827 BK 10x1
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20180827 ST 1 2 Stamp 1
(0.87 on issue -
sold at 0.94 )Unspecified breed
(Blue tabby kitten)
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20180827 BK 10x1
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20180827 ST 1 3 Stamp 1
(0.87 on issue -
sold at 0.94 )Unspecified breed
(Brown tabby and white kitten yawning)
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20180827 BK 10x1
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20180827 ST 1 4 Stamp 1
(0.87 on issue -
sold at 0.94 )Unspecified breed
(Blue and white kitten)
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20180827 BK 10x1
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)BE20180827 ST 1 5 Stamp 1
(0.87 on issue -
sold at 0.94 )Unspecified breed
(Red tabby kitten)
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamp from
BE20180827 BK 10x1
MI 4229DII (pre-personalised)
PaneBE20180827 BK 10x1 Booklet 10 x 1
(8.70 /
10 x 0.87 on issue)
(sold at 9.40)Unspecified breed (on all stamps, cover, and back cover)
Booklet/Stamp pack with 2 each of
BE20180827 ST 1 1
BE20180827 ST 1 2
BE20180827 ST 1 3
BE20180827 ST 1 4
BE20180827 ST 1 5
MI FB4229DII (pre-personalised)Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Patrick Roberts, Nahum Shereshevsky, Marci Jarvis,
T.S. Tan, Marion vd Merwe, Eddy Cesar, Mark Leijland, and Nath Merienne.
Latest update: 12 July, 2020* A note on Belgian number-denominated stamps:
Belgian non-denominated stamps are sold at a discounted price when sold in quantites of at least 10 1-denominated stamps
or 5 stamps of other denominations. Denominations on issue is thus marked with two prices: EUR 0.61 (discounted price) /
0.71 (single-stamp price). The discount does not apply to pre-personalised stamps, which on the contrary are sold at a
premium. Click here for further information.