Stamps inscribed 'Barbados'
1852 ->
From 1852: 1 Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1950: 1 British West Indian Dollar = 100 Cents [= 4 Shillings, 2 Pence]
From 1965: 1 East Caribbean Dollar (XCD) = 100 Cents [= 1 BWI Dollar]
From 1973: 1 Dollar (BBD) = 100 Cents [= 1 XCD]
Checklists > Countries > Barbados Wild Cats List status: Contains all items known to the webmaster.
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1970 Landmarks BB19700504 ST 0_01 Stamp 0.01 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at Gun Hill
MI 2972014 The Seven Wonders of Barbados BB20140221 ST 0_65 3 Stamp 0.65 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at Gun Hill
Landscape format stamp
MI 1233BB20140221 ST 0_65 8 Stamp 0.65 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at Gun Hill
Large, square stamp from sheetlet
MI 1240BB20140221 SH 4_55 Sheetlet 4.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at Gun Hill
Sheetlet with
BB20140221 ST 0_65 8
and the six other stamps in set
MI B52BB20140221 FDC 4_55 1 First Day Cover 4.55 Lion (on one stamp and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at Gun Hill
Official FDC with
BB20140221 ST 0_65 3
and the six other stamps in setBB20140221 FDC 4_55 2 First Day Cover 4.55 Lion (on one stamp and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at Gun Hill
Official FDC with
BB20140221 SH 4_55
and the six other stamps in setBB20140221 FDP 11000 First Day Postmark - Lion (on one stamp and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at Gun Hill
"First Day of Issue"
Barbados (no town)
21 February 2014Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information received from Marci Jarvis, The Barbados Stamps Website and IGPC.
Latest update: 25 November, 2015