Stamps inscribed 'Bosna i Hercegovina' and bears the HPT logo:
Since the Dayton Peace Agreement (1995), Bosnia and Herzegovina has three postal operators, PTT Sarajevo (represents BA as UPU member), HPT Mostar and Srpska Posta in Banja Luka. Serb and Croat entities also issued stamps in the period 1992-95.
1878 - 1918 Part of Austro-Hungarian Empire
1918 - 1921 Provinvcial Issues
1921 - 1992 see Yugoslavia
1992 - Independent nation (three postal operators)Checklists > Countries > B&H (HPT Mostar) Wild Cats PLEASE NOTE: These pages are still under development and are not in any way complete. If you have
checklists to contribute, or corrections or addendae to the existing ones, please send them by e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks 2007 Gabela Archaeological Site, Capljina BAMO20070512 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Lion Relief
SG C205