Stamps inscribed 'Shqipënia e Lirë', 'Posta Shqypnis', 'Postat Shqiptare', 'Poste Shqyptare', 'Poste Shqyptare', 'Shqipënië', 'Posta Eshqyperisë', 'Rep(ublika) Shqiptare', 'Mbretnia Shqyptare', 'Mbretnija Shqiptare', 'Shqipni', 'Queveria Demokratike e Shqipnis', 'Republika Popullore e Sqiperise', 'Shqiperija', 'R.P. Shqipërise', 'R.P.S. Shqipërise' or 'Shqipëria'
1863 - 1913 Stamps of the Ottoman Empire used
1913 ->
From 1913: 1 (Ottoman) Lira = 100 Piastres/Grosh, 1 Piastre/Grosh = 40 Para
From 1913: 1 Gold Franc/Franga Ar = 5 Lekë = 100 Quindarka
From 1947: 1 Lek = 100 Qindarka
From 1965: 1 New Lek (ALK) = 100 Quindarka (= 10 Old Lekë)
From 1991: 1 Lek (ALL) = 100 Quindarka (= 50 ALK)
Checklists > Countries > Albania Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1980 Medieval Art AL19800927 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20Heraldic Lion
Wild Cat Art
Arms of Albanian Prince Karl Topia
Bas-relief. XIV c
MI 20652002 Heraldry AL20020512 ST 20 Stamp 20Heraldic Lion
Gropa Family CoA
MI 2870AL20020512 ST 90 Stamp 90Heraldic Lion
Topia Family CoA
MI 2873AL20020512 BK 410
Booklet 410Heraldic Lions (on 2 x 2 stamps and on cover)
Booklet with 2 x all 4 stamps in set
MI MH???AL20020512 FDC 205 First Day Cover 205Heraldic Lions (on 2 stamps and in cachet)
Official FDC wit all 4 stamps in set2003 Heraldry AL20030512 ST 20 Stamp 20Heraldic Lion
Jonimajt Family CoA
MI 2934AL20030512 BK 640 Booklet 640Heraldic Lions (on 2 x 1 stamps and on cover)
Booklet with 2 x all 4 stamps in set
MI MH???AL20030512 FDC 320 First Day Cover 320Heraldic Lion (on one stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in set2008 NATO Membership AL20080412 ST 40 Stamp 40Heraldic Lions
Flags of Croatia and Spain
MI 32442012 UEFA European Football Championship AL20120928 ST 200 Stamp 200Heraldic Lions
Flags of Croatia and Spain
MI 3395Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Greg Balagian.
Latest update: 3 March 2013